Sound Composition: ocean

Composition Hits

In last 10 days this sound composition has been listened to by 0 listeners.

How to use Sound Mixer

1. Choose a sound

In order for nature sounds to start playing choose a sound from drop-down box for one channel and drag the volume slider up.

2. Add more sounds

You can add more nature sounds to composition by choosing other sounds in other channels.

3. Adjust balance

Pan the channel (with horizontal slider) to the left or to the right for stereo effects.

4. Adjust continuity

If you want the sound volume to fluctuate instead of playing continuously, click on a drop-down box with a green line and choose one of interrupted lines.

Save sounds composition as a link

1. Create a composition

Create sounds composition that you like.

2. Click on "Save as Link"

Click on the button "Save as Link" (on the lower part of the Sound Mixer).

3. Enter some details

You will need to enter the name for your composition (part of the link), your email address (later used to claim authorship) and a confirmation that you are not a robot :).

4. Launch the link

After saving the composition as a link, you and everyone else will be able to listen to it just by going to a link similar to this one:

Export sounds composition to a file

1. Create a composition

Create sounds composition that you like.

2. Click on "Export to File"

Click on the button "Export to File" (on the lower part of the Sound Mixer).

3. Choose the length of the file

Choose the length of the file and click "Next". You will need to wait some time until sound file is prepared.

4. Save the file

Click "Save The File" and enter the name for your file.

Files are saved in OGG format. If your media player does not support it, you can convert it to MP3.

You'll need Adobe Flash Player to launch the sound mixing tool. It's not supported by modern browsers anymore, but you can run it with dedicated software Flash Browser.

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